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Our London office is based in an old building, the Vestry House, in the grounds of St Giles-in-the Fields Church on the border between Covent Garden and Soho, close to Oxford Street. The building originates from 1733, though there has been a church on site from 1103 when Queen Matilda founded a leprosy hospital in what was then green field outside of London.

The Shepherds Building Studio 616

Charecroft Way

W14 0EE UK


+44 (0) 7553 377 871


By contrast, our Berlin office is in the Charlottenburg Innovations-Centrum, a  modern glass and steel building which forms part of the Technische Universitat and is supported by the cities of Berlin and Brandenburg. 

CHIC Charlottenburger Innovations-Centrum

Bismarckstrasse 10-12,
DE-10625 Berlin, Germany


+49 (0) 305 9008 3330

© 2025 by Stgilesmedical Ltd.

United Kingdom: Stgilesmedical Ltd.  Business address: Stgilesmedical Ltd, Studio 616, The Shepherds Building,

Charecroft Way, London, UK. W14 0EE. Company registration: 08849119. VAT Nr: 211771142.


Germany: Stgilesmedical GmbH. Business address: Charlottenburger Innovations-Centrum, Bismarckstraße 10-12, 10625 Berlin. Registry court: Amtgericht Charlottenburg, HRB Nr. 188939 B. USt-Id Nr. DE 313980662. Geschäftsführer: Walker. 

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