Lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought misery for many. The mental health issues associated with changes in work, confinement, money worries, pressure on relationships, caring for others, illness and coping with death are often hidden and remain unaddressed. Much can be learned from experiences in history, and from those who are currently feeling affected, professionals providing frontline support or academics studying the psychological aspects of stress and coping mechanisms.
This webinar hosted as part of a free educational series by will feature an exploration of mental health and resilience. Our programme will be led by a medical historian and a student of history. Next will follow an expert panel discussion. Participants will include a professional medical writer brave enough to express some of his experiences, a senior psychology academic and a hospice chaplin.
We invite our audience at home to register, engage, ask questions online and contribute comments. The webinar will be recorded and can be freely viewed afterward.
Timing (90 minutes): 11:00 New York, 16:00 London, 17:00 Berlin
- Dr Steven Walker MD – Moderator, Stgilesmedical London & Berlin
- Dr Carmen Schmechel PhD – Medical Historian & Researcher, Freie Universitaet Berlin
- Lars Joensson - Student of History and Philosophy, University of Aachen
- Mark Palmer - Senior Medical Writer
- Dr Esther Murray DPsych - Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology, Queen Mary University of London
- Dr Tony Kyriakides PhD - Chaplin, Marie Curie Hospice, Eaton Hall, London